
1. Introduction

Ninja Blaze has introduced an exciting Jackpot game, offering players a unique opportunity to win substantial prizes through a two-stage process.

2. Stage 1: Betting

At the first stage of the Jackpot game, each player has to place a bet. The basic principle is simple, the size of the bet directly affects the potential winnings. Larger bets lead to the possibility of bigger winnings, emphasizing the strategic aspect of betting.

3. Stage 2: Determining the winner using a Nois network

After the betting stage is over, the game moves to stage 2, where the winner is determined. To facilitate this process, ensure transparency and fairness, Nois Network is used.

4. Game Duration

The duration of one Jackpot game is 60 seconds.

5. Commission Structure

Ninja Blaze charges a 5% commission on all bets placed in the Jackpot game. This fee serves several purposes, including maintaining and developing the platform.

Last updated