
1. Introduction

We are introducing another game on our platform — Lootbox. It's an exciting experience of opening mysterious ninja boxes, where you'll find exclusive rewards for your future games!

Stage 1. Choosing a loot box

Select any loot box offered on the platform. They are divided into two groups: limited edition and risk level.

Stage 2. Purchasing a Limited box

Step 1. To purchase a limited box, click "Buy". You will be redirected to the box purchase page.

Step 2. Click "Buy" and select the number of boxes you want to purchase. Make sure you have enough funds in your balance for the purchase.

Step 3. After the purchase, you will be able to see the box in your inventory. The box can be opened after the collection is sold out.

Inside this box, there can be various rewards with different drop rates. For example, the current limited box contains the following rewards:

Stage 3. Selling a limited box

If you think that the reward inside the box will be less than the price of the box on the marketplace, you can sell it on the Market before you open it. To do this, follow a few simple steps.

Step 1. Go to the "Market" section and select the box you want to sell.

Step 2. Click "Open market". You will be taken to a page where you can buy or sell boxes.

Step 3. Click on "Sell" and place a sell order. Choose the number of boxes you want to sell and click "Place sell order".

Step 4. Wait for the transaction to proceed. You can see your order by clicking on "My Orders'' in the top right corner.

Stage 4. Purchasing an Unlimited box

Step 1. To get an unlimited box, also click "View" and go to the purchase page. Unlike a limited box, an unlimited box can be bought and opened immediately. Depending on the risk level, you will receive different sizes of rewards with varying chances.

Step 2. Click “Buy & Open” and wait for the transaction to proceed.

Step 3. Claim the rewards. The tokens you receive will be displayed in your balance.

Stage 5. Collecting possible rewards

Each loot box contains a different number of rewards, which drop with varying odds. The higher the risk category of the box, the more rewards you can earn, but the chance of them dropping also decreases.

Possible winnings for the Low Risk Shuriken Box:

Possible winning for the Medium Risk Sai Box:

Possible winning for the High Risk Katana Box:

Open all the boxes on the platform and collect valuable ninja loot in your inventory! More new boxes will appear on the platform soon, so stay tuned for the upcoming updates and play Ninja Blaze!

Last updated